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Bird Restoration

All work here is client commissioned work to either restore the habitat surrounding a piece of taxidermy, recasing a specimen or restoring/cleaning a specimen. From private collections to museum collections.

Every piece is bespoke and catered to the clients needs. No habitat restoration, taxidermy restoration/cleaning or recasing is the same. 


If there is something you can't find here and want to find out more. Please do not hesitate to email

Woodpecker Restoration

An unusual example of a collection of UK native woodpeckers. They needed to be remounted onto a more suitable base and a good cleaning with some paintwork restoration done to the beak and feet. You can also spot the now rare lesser spotted woodpeckers (middle). There's an example of a male and female in the photos. 


This will now be displayed at the John Moore Museum in Tewkesbury.

Cuckoo Restoration

An unusual example of a Victorian Cuckoo was in dire need of some cleaning, a new set of eyes and a remount. The specimen wasn't in the greatest of conditions as there was fat burn on the skin (due to poor processing) so the restoration was limited. However, after a clean, new set of eyes fitted and re-mounted on a new base to go with the rest of the John Moore Museum collection. It shows a bird that unfortunately is a rare sight to see in the 21st century.

Barn Owl Restoration

This Barn owl needed a little tlc, a full fumigation and clean was undertaken.

As well as restoring the colour back into the beak and the feet. 

Restoring a capercaillie, new groundwork and case.

This capercaillie was in dire need of some tlc, with one of its wings broken off, very dusty and faded. It needed a complete overhaul. I set to work and fixed the wing, and gave the whole bird a deep clean which did wonders for the plumage. Recoloured the beak and feet. Cleaned the eyes too and did some touch-ups on the red part above the eye. The bird was then taken off its old base and put on a new one with some fresh groundwork. A brand new case was made to measure the capercaillie, oak beaded with an oak base. As you can see the capercaillie is looking much happier in its new surroundings.